Setting up your Deluxe Silent Disco.

  1. Plug the deck into a 230V outlet.

  2. Check that the three transmitters are on and they are displaying channels 1, 2 and 3. If they are not on, check that the power leads have not come out during transit and that the power selector switch on the back of each transmitter is turned to “high”. If two or more transmitters are displaying the same number on the front, press the “channel” buttons on each unit until 1, 2 and 3 are displayed across the three transmitters.

  3. Ensure that the three tablets are turned on, by pressing the button on the top right of the tablets. You may need to swipe up to reveal the home screen which features a shortcut to Spotify.

  4. Each tablet has a separate Spotify account. You can search for an existing playlist, or create your own. When adding new tracks to the queue, use the 3 dots and use the “Add to queue” option to avoid deleting the existing list.

  5. Turn the headsets on, using the green switch on the underside of one of the earpieces. You can select the three channels using the green selector switch on the side of the earpiece. There is a volume wheel on the other earpiece.

  6. You should now be ready to party!